Pretend your eyes are glued to your conversation partners with sticky warm taffy. Don't break eye contact even after he or she has finished speaking. When you must look away, do it ever so slowly, reluctantly, stretching the gooey taffy until the tiny string finally breaks.
How to Strike Everyone as Intelligent and Insightful by Using Your Eyes
more than normal with men on day-to-day communications and a lot more when talking to women. It broadcasts a visceral message of comprehension and respect.
I have a friend, Sammy, a salesman who unwittingly comes across as an arrogant chap. He doesn't mean to, but sometimes his brusque manner makes it look like he's running roughshod over peoples feelings.
Once while we were having dinner together in a restaurant, I told him about the Sticky Eyes technique. I guess he took it to heart. When the waiter came over, Sammy, uncharacteristically, instead of bluntly blurting out his order with his nose in the menu, looked at the waiter. He smiled, gave his order for the appetizer, and kept his eyes on the waiters for an extra second before looking down again at the menu to choose the main dish. I cant tell you how different Sammy seemed to me just then! He came across as a sensitive and caring man, and all it took was two extra seconds of eye contact. I saw the effect it had on the waiter, too. We received exceptionally gracious service the rest of the evening.
A week later Sammy called me and said, Leil, Sticky Eyes has changed my life. Ive been following it to a T. With women, I make my eyes real sticky and with men slightly sticky. And now everybody's treating me with such deference. I think its part of the reason Ive made more sales this week than all last month!
If you deal with customers or clients in your professional life, Sticky Eyes is a definite boon to your bottom line. To most people in our culture, profound eye contact signals trust, knowledge, an Im here for you attitude.
Lets carry Sticky Eyes one step further. Like a potent medicine that has the power to kill or cure, the next eye-contact technique has the potential to captivate or annihilate.
How to Use Your Eyes to Make Someone Fall in Love with You
Now we haul in the heavy eyeball artillery: very sticky eyes or superglue eyes. Lets call them Epoxy Eyes. Big bosses use Epoxy Eyes to evaluate employees. Police investigators use Epoxy Eyes to intimidate suspected criminals. And clever Romeos use Epoxy Eyes to make women fall in love with them. (If romance is your goal, Epoxy Eyes is a proven aphrodisiac.)
The Epoxy Eyes technique takes at least three people to pull off you, your target, and one other person. Heres how it works. Usually, when you're chatting with two or more people, you gaze at the person who is speaking. However, the Epoxy Eyes technique suggests you concentrate on the listener your target rather than the speaker. This slightly disorients the target and he or she silently asks, Why is this person looking at me instead of the speaker? Your target senses you are extremely interested in his or her relations. This can be beneficial in certain business situations when it is appropriate that you judge the listener.
Human resources professionals often use Epoxy Eyes, not as a technique, but because they are sincerely interested in a perspective employees reaction to certain ideas being presented. Attorneys, bosses, police investigators, psychologists, and others
How to Use Your Eyes to Make Someone Fall in Love with You
who must examine subjects reactions also use Epoxy Eyes for analytical purposes.
When you use Epoxy Eyes, it sends out signals of interest blended with complete confidence in yourself. But because Epoxy Eyes puts you in a position of evaluating or judging someone else, you must be careful. Don't overdo it or you could come across as arrogant and brazen.
Sometimes using full Epoxy Eyes is too potent, so here is a gentler, yet effective, form. Watch the speaker but let your glance bounce to your target each time the speaker finishes a point. This way Mr. or Ms. Target still feels you are intrigued by his or her reactions, yet there is relief from the intensity.
Use Epoxy Eyes to Push Their Erotic Button If romance is on the horizon, Epoxy Eyes transmits yet another message. It says, I cant take my eyes off you or I only have eyes for you. Anthropologists have dubbed eyes the initial organ of romance because studies show intense eye contact plays havoc with our heartbeat.It also releases a drug like substance into our Epoxy Eyes.
This article is extracted from:
How to Talk to Anyone: 92 Little Tricks for Big Success in Relationships